Principles of Operations Management Problem Solutions Chapter 2

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MGT 475.02
Fall 2008  10:00 - 10:50 MWF SHB Room 338
Sam Houston State University
College of Business Administration
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Page last updated on 12/12/08

 "A person who wants to do something will find a way; a person who doesn't will find an excuse."

Stephen Dolley, Jr.

Victor E. Sower, Ph.D., C.Q.E.
Professor of Operations Management

2006 Victor E. Sower


Week of 25 August I will hand out syllabus.  Bring your text and Student CD ROM with software package to class.  Read Ch. 1 in the text. Chapter 1 Homework:  Problems 1.1, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 on p. 23. Read Ch 2. Chapter 2 Homework:  Problem 2.6 on p. 52. Begin forming your quality circle groups (size limit is 3-5)--due by 9/10/08.Note:  Quiz attached to syllabus is due on 9/5/08. NOTE: Page numbers for homework assignments refer to the pages in the hard bound edition of the text.  The page numbers may be different for the soft bound edition, but the problems should be the same.  So, if you are using the soft bound edition, do the problems assigned at the end of Chapter 1 but recognize they may be on a different page number. We will discuss ETHICAL DILEMMA on p. 51.

The text for this course is Heizer & Render, 9th edition Operations Management (hardback) or Heizer and Render, 7th edition Principles of Operations Management (softback). I mis-spoke in class this morning when I introduced the text. The syllabus I handed out in class also has the wrong text. I have corrected the copy that can be downloaded from the web site.

There will be no class on Friday (8/29) of this week. Download the PowerPoint on-line lesson. It may be viewed using PowerPoint. If you are downloading this at home and do not have PowerPoint on your home computer, you may use remote access to the SHSU network to access PowerPoint or download the free Microsoft PowerPointViewer 2007 from Microsoft Office Online. Do the lesson and turn in your answers to the quiz on a Scantron Quizstrip Form 815-E on 9/3/08.

SHSU Football 28 August at 6:00 p.m. in Bowers Stadium.

SHSU Volleyball Invitational at 2:00 and 7:00 on 29 August and 11:30 and 7:00 on 30 August in Johnson Coliseum.

SHSU Soccer at 7:00 on 29 August and 1:00 on 30 August at Pritchett Field.

Week of 1 September The on-line lesson quiz is due on 9/3/08. Read Ethical Dilemma on p. 51. We will discuss this in class. Load POM for Windows to your student account. Read Quantitative Module A. Quant. Module A Homework:  Problems A1, A2, A3 (all 3 by hand AND using POM), A9 (using POM), A13 on pp. 685-687. Read Ch. 3. Ch 3 Homework:  Problems 3.2, 3.3, 3.7, 3.13, 3.18 on pp. 90-93. Quiz attached to syllabus is due on 9/5/08. B egin forming your quality circle groups (size limit is 3-5)--due by 9/10/08.NOTE: Quantitative Module A is NOT included in the soft bound text. It is in the back of the hard bound text. I will provide copies of Quant. Module A in class on Friday.

SHSU Volleyball vs. Rice at 7:00 on 2 September in Johnson Coliseum.

SHSU Soccer at 7:00 on 5 September and 1:00 on 7 September at Pritchett Field.

Week of 8 September I will demonstrate how to work a problem using POM for Windows. We will finish Quant. Module A. Read Ch. 3. Ch 3 Homework:  Problems 3.2, 3.3, 3.7, 3.13, 3.18 on pp. 90-93. Read Quant. Module B. This is in the hard bound version of the text. I will provide copies for those who have the soft bound version. Quant. Module B Homework:  Problems B.1, B.2, B.7, B.8, B.10, B.14, B.15 on pp. 726-728 in hardbound. Click here to access on-line tutorials available to help with linear programming. Form your quality circle groups (size limit is 3-5)--due by 9/10/08.

Week of 15 September Classes are cancelled all week due to the effects of Hurricane Ike. Stay safe. Classes are scheduled to resume on Monday, 22 September, but stay in touch with the SHSU home page for more up-to-date information.

Week of 22 September We will finish Chapter 3. Ch 3 Homework:  Problems 3.2, 3.3, 3.7, 3.13, 3.18 on pp. 90-93. Read Quant. Module B. This is in the hard bound version of the text. I will provide copies for those who have the soft bound version. Quant. Module B Homework:  Problems B.1, B.2, B.7, B.8, B.10, B.14, B.15 on pp. 726-728 in hardbound. Click here to access on-line tutorials available to help with linear programming. Read Chapter 4. Ch 4 Homework:  Problems 4.1, 4.5, 4.8 (all 3 by hand & with POM), 4.2, 4.4, 4.23 (all 3 by hand), 4.6 (use POM for linear trend), 4.24, 4.25, 4.45 (all 3 using POM) on pp. 142-149 in hardbound.

As we discussed in class, the due date for the Project Plan has been moved back to 10/3/08.

Week of 29 September Read Chapter 4. Ch 4 Homework:  Problems 4.1, 4.5, 4.8 (all 3 by hand & with POM), 4.2, 4.4, 4.23 (all 3 by hand), 4.6 (use POM for linear trend), 4.24, 4.25, 4.45 (all 3 using POM) on pp. 142-149 in hardbound. Read Chapter 5. Ch 5 Homework:  Problems 5.12, 5.15 on p. 187. Exam I is scheduled for Wednesday, 8 October. It will cover Ch 1, 3, 4, 5, Modules A & B. It will be worth 95 points--the 5 points from the on-line Ch 2 quiz will be added to make 100.

Department of Theatre and Dance presents Raven Rep I (two one-act plays) on 1-4 October in the University Theater.

Week of 6 October We will do Exam I on Wednesday, 10/8. Exam I will cover Ch 1, 3, 4, 5, Modules A and B. Click here to see the formula sheet which I will include as part of the Exam I test sheet. Bring pencils, a good eraser, Scantron 882-E, calculator, and ruler to the exam. I will return your graded Exam on Friday, 10/10. Read Chapter 6 and its Supplement. Ch 6 Homework:  Problems 6.9, 6.12, 6.15, 6.16 on pp. 213-215.  Ch 6 Supplement Homework:  Problems S6.3, S6.6, S6.10, S6.15, S6.24, S6.26, S6.31 on pp. 244-250.

SHSU Volleyball at 7:00 on 10 October and 4:00 on 11 October in Johnson Coliseum.

SHSU Soccer at 7:00 on 10 October at Pritchett Field.

Career Expo will be held on 15 October in the Coliseum.

Week of 13 October Read Chapter 6 and its Supplement. Ch 6 Homework:  Problems 6.9, 6.12, 6.15, 6.16 on pp. 213-215.  Ch 6 Supplement Homework:  Problems S6.3, S6.6, S6.10, S6.15, S6.24, S6.26, S6.31 on pp. 244-250. Click here to access on-line tutorials available to help with SPC.

Week of 20 October We will finish Chapter 6 Supplement. Ch 6 Supplement Homework:  Problems S6.3, S6.6, S6.10, S6.15, S6.24, S6.26, S6.31 on pp. 244-250. Click here to access on-line tutorials available to help with SPC. Read Ch 7. Ch 7 Homework:  Problems 7.1 d)  Fast Food Drive Through, 7.3, 7.4, 7.10 on p. 281. Read Chapter 7 Supplement. Ch 7 Supplement Homework:  Problems S7.1, S7.2, S7.7, S7.11, S7.12, S7.17, S7.26, S7.33 on pp. 302-306. Looking ahead: We will next cover Module C and Chapter 9. We will be ready for Exam II when we finish Chapter 9.

Week of 27 October We will finish Chapter 7 Ch 7 Homework:  Problems 7.1 d)  Fast Food Drive Through, 7.3, 7.4, 7.10 on p. 281. Read Chapter 7 Supplement. Ch 7 Supplement Homework:  Problems S7.1, S7.2, S7.7, S7.11, S7.12, S7.17, S7.26, S7.33 on pp. 302-306. Read Chapter 8. Ch 8 Homework:  Problems:  8.1, 8.2, 8.5, 8.16, 8.18, 8.20 (using POM) on pp. 330-334. Read Quant. Module C. Quant. Module C Homework:  Problems C.1a, C4 using POM, C5, C15 on pp. 736-739. Looking ahead: We will next cover Chapter 9. We will be ready for Exam II when we finish Chapter 9.

Week of 3 November We will finish Quant. Module C on Monday. Quant. Module C Homework:  Problems C.1a, C4 using POM, C5, C15 on pp. 736-739. Read Chapter 9. Ch 9 Homework:  Problems 9.12, 9.15, 9.16 on pp. 380-381. Exam II is scheduled for Friday, 7 November. The format will be similar to that of Exam I. Bring pencils, a good eraser, Scantron 882-E, calculator, and ruler to the exam. Click here to see the formula sheet which I will include as part of the Exam II test sheet.

Week of 10 November I will return your graded Exam II on Monday. Read Chapter 10 and its Supplement. Ch 10 Supplement Homework:  Problems  S10.7, S10.12, S10.13, S10.26, S10.29 on pp. 421-425. Read Chapter 12.

Week of 17 November We will finish Ch 10 Supplement. Ch 10 Supplement Homework:  Problems  S10.7, S10.12, S10.13, S10.26, S10.29 on pp. 421-425. Read Chapter 12 and Chapter 13. Ch 12 Homework:  Problems 12.2, 12.4, 12.6, 12.9, 12.12 by hand on pp. 505-506; 12.24 on p. 508 using POM for Windows. NOTE: The solution to S10.12 is actually for another problem. I will try to correct that by next week.

Looking ahead: As we discussed in class on 12 November, we will skip Chapter 11 for the moment. I will prepare an on-line lesson for Ch. 11 to be completed on 5 December when I will be out of town. Exam III will be scheduled for 8 December. On 10 December I will return your graded Exam III and we will review for the final examination scheduled for Monday, 15 December, from 11:00 - 1:00.

Week of 24 November Your Custom Cabinets report is due at the beginning of class on Monday, 24 November. Be sure to make a contingency plan for getting the report turned in on time in case, for example, the group member with the report has a flat tire. Read carefully the General Advice for the Case Study in paragraph 5 of the syllabus. We will finish Chapter 14. Ch 14 Homework:  Problems 14.1, 14.8, 14.11. We will skip Chapter 15 for the moment. Read Chapter 16 and Chapter 17. Ch 17 Homework:  Problems 17.2, 17.11, 17.12, 17.14 on pp. 666-668. No class on Wednesday, 26 November. Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Exam III is scheduled for Monday, 8 December. I will return your graded exams on Wednesday, 10 December and review for the Final Exam.

Week of 1 December I will return your graded Custom Cabinets report on Monday, 1 December. We will finish Chapter 16. Read Chapter 11. We will finish Ch. 16 on Wednesday and review for Exam III. There will be no class on Friday, 5 December. I will post an on-line lesson covering Chapter 11. The lesson will include the first 2 questions for Exam III. Record your answers on a Scantron 882 and use it for the rest of Exam III. Exam III is scheduled for Monday, 8 December. I will return your graded exams on Wednesday, 10 December and review for the Final Exam.

There will be no class on Friday (12/5) of this week. Download the PowerPoint on-line lesson. It may be viewed using PowerPoint. If you are downloading this at home and do not have PowerPoint on your home computer, you may use remote access to the SHSU network to access PowerPoint or download the free Microsoft PowerPointViewer 2007 from Microsoft Office Online. The lesson includes the first 2 questions for Exam III. Record your answers on a Scantron 882 and use it for the rest of Exam III. Click here to see the formula sheet which I will include as part of the Exam III test sheet.

Week of 8 December Exam III is scheduled for Monday, 8 December. The format will be similar to that of Exam I. Bring pencils, a good eraser, Scantron 882-E with your responses to the 2 on-line lesson questions, and calculator to the exam. I will return your graded exams on Wednesday, 10 December and review for the Final Exam. No class on 12 December. This is Final Exam Study Day.

Monday, 15 December, Final Examination from 11:00 - 1:00. Open book but not open notes. Bring calculator, book, pencils, a good eraser, and a Scantron 882-E to the exam. If your book does not contain the Quantitative Modules, you may bring the copies I handed out in class. No Book or calculator sharing is allowed. Consult the syllabus for example final examination questions.

I have enjoyed working with you this semester. Good luck on this and all of your other final examinations.

COBA Career Fair The Business Career Fair sponsored by the College of Business Administration
is held every Spring semester.  It is scheduled for mid-February 2009 in the
Lowman Student Center.  I will be at the Career Fair and would be happy to
introduce you to recruiters if you would like me to.  I know most of them.

Looking Ahead. Planned homework assignments:

Ch 15 Homework:  Problems 15.2, 15.3, 15.6, 15.14, 15.17, 15.18 on pp. 618-622.
Ch 17 Homework:  Problems 17.2, 17.11, 17.12, 17.14 on pp. 666-668.

NOTE:  If you are having problems running POM for Windows on your home computer, there is a web site that might be of help.  It is

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Principles of Operations Management Problem Solutions Chapter 2


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