Manage parental controls (legacy)

This article applies to customers who have the legacy version of Fiber TV. If you have the new version of our user interface, please view this article on how to set parental controls.

The parental controls feature enables you to restrict what your children or others in your home can watch on TV based on warnings and ratings. For example, you might not want your children to watch violent movies. You can select the types of restrictions you want to apply and set up a 4-digit lock code that must be entered before you or anyone can watch that restricted content. This allows you and anyone else who knows your lock code to watch the restricted content, but it prevents children and others without the lock code from watching that same content.

You can set up parental controls on any Fiber-connected TV in your home, which then apply to all your Fiber-connected TVs and the Fiber app running on mobile devices on your home network. After they are enabled, you can change or disable parental controls from any Fiber-connected TV as well.

To enable parental controls:

  1. Press menu, and then select Apps & More > Settings > Parental Controls.

    Enable parental controls on legacy Fiber TV

  2. Navigate to select Disabled next to Parental Control Restrictions, and then pressok to display the options.

  3. Press the up arrow to select Enable, and then pressok.

    A message prompts you to enter a lock code.

    Enter pin lock code on legacy Fiber TV

    This is the code you will have to enter anytime you want to watch restricted content. (You will indicate what types of content you want to restrict in a later step.)

  4. Enter a unique 4-digit code that will be easy for you to remember but hard for your children and others to figure out.

    For example, birthday, anniversaries, and street addresses are easy to guess.

  5. Pressok.

  6. When prompted, enter the lock code again to confirm it.

  7. Pressok.

    You return to the Parental Controls screen, which indicates that parental controls are enabled.

    Turn on parental control in legacy Fiber TV

    In addition, it offers the option of changing the lock code and modifying parental restrictions.

To modify the types of restricted content:

  1. Use the down arrow to select Modify next to Modify Parental Restrictions, and then pressok.

    A message prompts you to enter the parental lock code.

  2. Enter the code and pressok.

    The Restrict Content screen displays the types of content you can restrict.

    Modify restricted content on legacy Fiber TV

  3. Use the arrow buttons to navigate through the lists. Select and pressok to restrict each type of content you do not want your children or others to watch.

    When you pressok, the open lock next to the selected content type changes to a closed lock and turns green, indicating that when anyone selects that type of content to watch, they will be required to enter the lock code. If they do not enter the correct lock code, they will not be able to watch that show.

    Require a lock code for content legacy Fiber TV

  4. If you want to set restrictions on individual channels, selectControl Channels under Other.

  5. If you want to require the parental lock code for any show that is not rated, select Restrict If No Rating.

  6. If you want to require the parental lock code for all content that must be purchased, select Restrict Purchases.

  7. If you want to require the parental lock code for access to TV Box Apps, selectRestrict Access to TV Box Apps.

  8. To remove the restrictions from any content type, select it and pressok to return to the open lock.

  9. When you are satisfied with the restriction settings, press exit on the remote control to dismiss the Parental Controls screen and return the program to the full screen.

To change the parental lock code:

  1. Press the up arrow to select Change next to Change Parental Lock Code.

    A message prompts you to enter the current lock code.

  2. Enter the code and pressok.

    A message prompts you to enter a new parental lock code.

  3. Enter a new 4-digit code and pressok.

  4. When prompted, enter the new lock code again to confirm it.

  5. Pressok.

    You return to the Parental Controls screen.

To disable parental controls:

  1. Press the up arrow on the remote to select Enable next to Parental Control Restrictions.

  2. Pressok to display the options.

    Disable parental controls on legacy Fiber TV

  3. Press the down arrow to select Disable, and then pressok.

    A message prompts you to enter the parental lock code.
  4. Enter the code and pressok.

    You return to the Parental Controls screen, which indicates that parental controls are disabled.

If you forget your parental lock code

If you forget the lock code, contact Google Fiber customer support, and we will reset it for you. For security reasons, there is no built-in back door for you to reset it yourself.

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